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Front Matter

Platte Valley Review


Vol. 32 No. 1 Winter 2010-2011


Special Editions in Language & Migration

Double Online Issue

in tribute to our geographic home as the largest concentration host to the sixty million year annual Sandhill Crane Migration


Platte Valley Review is a juried journal of the University of Nebraska at Kearney English Department, currently under the auspices of the Paul & Clarice Kingston Reynolds Chair.


Platte Valley Review

UNK English, 202A TMHL

905 West 25th Street

Kearney, NE 68847

Phone 308-865-8672 / Fax 308-865-8411 / <pvr@unk.edu>


Senior Editor, A. A. Hedge Coke.

Managing Editor, A. A. Hedge Coke.

Associate Editor, Travis Hedge Coke.

Art Editor, Travis Hedge Coke.

Graduate Intern, Ryan DeMoss.

Web Design, Laura Jensen, Travis Hedge Coke & Ryan DeMoss.

Typesetting, Ryan DeMoss & A. A. Hedge Coke

Logo and Placard Design, Carla Frisch.


Jurors for the edition submissions included UNK Literary Crane Fellows/Writers LeAnne Howe (UIC), Wang Ping (Macalester College), Sherwin Bitsui, & Biologist/ Translator/ Writer Cristina Eisenberg; UNK Reynolds Readers Writer/Professor Diane Glancy(Macalester College Retired) & Managing Editor of Red Hen Press/Writer Kate Gale; Philosopher/ Professor Anne Calhoun (UNM), South Dakota Poet Laureate David Allen Evans (SDSU Retired), & Backwaters Press Publisher/Writer Greg Kosmiski.

                       The English Department of UNK is home to:

                       The Platte Valley Review

                       The Reynolds Review

                       The Carillon

                       The Reynolds Series
                       Honoring the Sandhill Crane Migration Literary Tribute
                       Retreat & Crane Festival

                       Explorations Lecture Series

                       UNK Language & Literature Conference

                       Sigma Tau Delta (host of The Carillon, an official UNK                        student lit journal)

                       and the Students for the Reynolds Review (hosting the                        Reynolds Review, an official student poetry journal of                        UNK and NU Low-Residency MFA)


The UNK English Department hosts a Bachelor Degree  emphasis and Master Degree concentration in Creative Writing and, in cohort with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the University of Nebraska Low-Residency MFA Program. The MFA residencies are held at the Lied Center, in Nebraska City, home of the National Arbor Day Foundation.


The University of Nebraska at Kearney is home to the annual global leadership gathering, the UNK, and is located in the Platte Valley epicenter of the annual Sandhill Crane migration. The migration has taken place on the Platte River for 45 to 60 million years. Skeletal remains indicate that the cranes are today what they were then. The cranes have influenced language (including written Indigenous languages), culture, and human social conditioning for as long as people have witnessed them. At one time the cranes were literally near extinction, now, with protection by the State of Nebraska at this precious life center, they have advanced their population to around 600,000 birds. This is a small fraction of the original numbers, but is testimony to the resiliency of nature and proof of preservation success. The cranes travel to the Platte as their staging grounds for the entire year, coming in from Texas, New Mexico, Mexico, Arizona, and California, staying in the Platte vicinity for two months, feeding, dancing, and socializing, before heading to points north North America, the Arctic region, and some onward to Siberia. They are integral to life as we know it and we honor them and the sustaining Platte River with this shared literary work.

